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Indgiants Pvt Ltd is creating opportunities to fulfill the customer needs by identifying their objectives and understanding the contexts of their needs. Indgiants is growing into the future and expanding through its ‘Youth Empowerment Drive’ to emerge with a promise to ‘The Best Customer Experience’ through its eLearning and eCommerce portals. Indgiants franchising solutions have been aimed at fulfilling the nation’s development through its ‘Youth Empowerment Drive’ by creating excellent entrepreneurial employment opportunities to youth. Indgiants is motivating and encouraging entrepreneurial skills in youth and is helping them setup their own franchise. Indgiants provides creative, innovative and intuitive products and services that cover a broad spectrum of global markets. We are striving at networking with youth nation-wide, through our integrated franchising solutions.
Indgiants has launched an earning Portal https://mindhosts.com to provide End-to-end Education Solutions for the New Normal through to Schools, Colleges, Coaching Institutes, Tuition Centers and Individual Trainers and Tuition Teachers. These portals have been designed using the state-of-the-art technology where the faculty can continue their classes using their mobiles and students can take the classes through their mobiles.
Indgiants is transforming the academic world into a ‘Global Classroom’. It has launched a mobile application called ‘Lecturersclub’ through its exclusive eLearning Portal https://lecturersclub.com that transforms academicians into ‘Global Trainers’ through the unique features of its ‘Mobile Classrooms’. The Lecturersclub APP is a technovation of Indgiants to Transform India into a Developed Nation. Lecturersclub supports every trainer Where, we put technology into every Trainer’s pocket.